Tensioning webbing for Tandem system 20 / 30 m
  • Tensioning webbing for Tandem system 20 / 30 m
  • EQB Slim
  • EQB Slim
  • EQB Slim with Tandem FX pulley system
  • EQB Slim with Tandem FX pulley system

Our Slim is a truly lightweight webbing that is designed especially for tensioning systems. Our 20m / 30m version with sewn loop is just perfect when combined with Tandem pulley system, Ellington or a Sheriff FX weblock releaser.



In Stock :)


€ 16.5

Product description

Suitable for tensioning systems or lines shorter than 20 metres, the Slim webbing is a 25mm-wide (1 inch) low-weight (26g/m) PES webbing. Perfect for surfing and basic static & dynamic tricks.

But it fits far better to tensioning systems such as Tandem FX or Ellington, or when parted with Sheriff FX weblock releaser. Slim is so low-weight it can be used either as a backup or traveller’s ultra lightweight webbing.

We have made an sewn loop for 20m / 30m webbing ideal for most tensioning and releasing systems such as in Zen kits.

The Slim webbing is made in the Czech Republic.

Data sheet

  • Length 20 m
  • Width 25 mm
  • Weight 540 g
  • WLL 3 kN
  • Breaking Strength 10 kN
  • Elongation 19% / 10 kN
  • Material Polyester (PES)



As long as the line isn’t over-tensioned, yes. But bear on your mind that Slim’s load is only 1 tonne so make sure you don’t tension it to more than 300 kilo. That effectively means it should be locked in 1,5 m above the ground.
